This pork shoulder was the third we have done. Since getting our Weber Mountain Smoker we have been taking BBQ to the next level. In the past our pork shoulder has been good not great. Our new toy makes it great. We smoked the shoulder for 9 hours and at the end it tore apart completely. It was beautiful. Here's how you can do yours.

Start out by mixing the rub ingredients together in your mortar and pestle. We used Danny's BBQ rub

Rub the shoulder with this including places you can loosen skin and get underneath. Let the shoulder sit overnight in the fridge.

The next day light your coals to around 250 degrees. We use the water pan in the smoker to control this temperature. The huge difference between a regular Weber and the Mountain Smoker is that we didn't have replace coals every hour. The heat stayed consistent throughout all nine hours.

Once the internal temperature is between 190 and 195 you can take the shoulder off. Let it rest covered for 10 minutes or so. We wrap it in newspaper.

Once you can handle pork out gloves on and your ready to pull. See here in this video how Danny pulls our pork. You will hear me very surprised by how well it goes!

